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Giving blood for the first time
Tens of thousands of people are doing something amazing by registering to join our growing community of blood donors - ready to save lives when the NHS needs them.
At the moment we particularly need:
Male donors - men can donate more often than women
Black donors - Ro blood is needed and a common type for black donors
O negative donors - hospitals need this blood type most regularly, as it can be given to all patients
Please register if you are in one of these groups.
As a new donor, we know you're eager to give blood and save lives straight away. We understand it's disappointing if you can’t find an appointment immediately. But don't worry, your help will be needed in the future so please search several months ahead.
Click Link: Give Blood

Thank you
Every donation saves a life and the need for blood never stops.
Your blood could go to a mum who’s just given birth, someone who’s been in a car accident or a child with cancer to name just a few.
Ro blood
What is the Ro subtype and why is it important?
Donors with the Ro subtype
Some people rely on donations of the Ro subtype. Please keep donating if you have the Ro subtype.
Coronavirus has resulted in some changes and extra safety measures when you donate.
Find out more about Giving blood during coronavirus
What is the Ro subtype?
The Ro subtype is a variation of the Rh positive blood type. You might have it if you have O positive, A positive, B positive or AB positive blood.
Everyone has a blood subtype so having the Ro subtype does not mean there’s a problem with your blood.
Dr Alexander Weiner discovered these subtypes in 1943 and gave them simplified names, which is where the name ‘Ro’ comes from.
Why is the Ro subtype important?
Subtypes are important if you receive regular transfusions and need blood that’s compatible with both your blood type and your subtype.
The Ro subtype is particularly important for two reasons:
demand is increasing by 10-15% each year
only 2% of regular donors have the Ro subtype
So there’s a gap between the number of donations we collect, and the amount of Ro blood hospitals need.
Ro blood is a Rare Blood Type and there are patients in real need of it.
We need more blood donors with the Ro subtype to make sure the right blood is available to everyone who needs it.
Finding out if you have the Ro subtype
You usually won’t find out blood type or subtype until you give blood for the first time.
If you have the Ro subtype, we'll let you know after your first donation.
Did you know?
You are ten times more likely to have the Ro subtype if you are of black African or black Caribbean heritage, compared to someone of white heritage.
That’s one of the reasons why We need more black people to become blood donors
The Ro subtype explained
Find out about the combination of genes that make up the Ro subtype
Rare blood types
Some blood types are both rare and in demand
Why is demand for the Ro subtype increasing?
Ro blood is vital in treating sickle cell – a group of inherited blood conditions that affect red blood cells.
The condition is often treated with regular blood transfusions so subtypes, such as Ro, are important in ensuring patients get blood which is most compatible with their blood type and subtype.
Many people with sickle cell have the Ro subtype. This is because sickle cell more commonly affects people from black ethnic backgrounds where the Ro subtype is more common.
There has been an increase in the number of people with sickle cell and as a result, the demand for Ro blood has grown.
Become a blood donor
To get started, you'll need to register your details on our database. We will ask you to:
answer some basic questions to check you are most likely to be able to donate
register and validate your email address
complete your personal details to set up your account
If the website is busy, we’ll take some basic details and get in touch later to complete your registration.

Click Link: Give Blood

Have you ever wondered what happens to a donation once you have given it? Here’s what happens to a whole blood donation when it leaves one of our blood donation venues.
Every day over 6,000 people in the UK need to give blood to meet the needs of hospitals and patients. We need to make sure that we have enough supplies of all blood groups and blood types to treat all types of conditions.
Find your local donor centre and book your next appointment today.
Register now: GIVE BLOOD or call 0300 123 23 23

The journey of a blood donation

Colin Anderson talks about the importance of blood donation
Colin Anderson Choir Director of B Positive Choir the choir formed by NHS Blood and Transplant and The MOBO Awards. Speaks about the song they will be performing at the Commonwealth Service and the importance of blood donation and the need for more Black Blood Donors as well as the choirs mission to raise awareness of Sickle Cell and Blood Donation.

Calvin's Story
Calvin Campbell is a member of the choir who also has Sickle Cell and requires regular exchanges "Blood"
In his own words explains the impact of having Sickle Cell and needing Blood has on his life.
I've spent most of my life in hospital

What happens when I give blood?
From the moment you arrive at your donation session, we will guide you through the process, explain what we are doing and answer any questions you may have.
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Every day over 6,000 people in the UK need to give blood to meet the needs of hospitals and patients. We need to make sure that we have enough supplies of all blood groups and blood types to treat all types of conditions.
Find your local donor centre and book your next appointment today. Register now: GIVE BLOOD or call 0300 123 23 23
What happens on the day
From the moment you arrive at your donation session, we will guide you through the process, explain what we are doing and answer any questions you may have about
Welcome and preparation
Before donating blood, please eat regular meals, drink plenty of fluid (non-alcoholic) and avoid vigorous exercise or exertion.
Remember to bring your completed Donor Safety Check form with you, if you received one from us in the post. If you ever need to cancel a donation appointment we ask that you give us 3 days’ notice so that we can offer your appointment to another donor. You can easily cancel or reschedule your existing appointments by signing in to your online account or using the NHS Give Blood app.
When you attend your donation session please read our donor consent information booklet - this explains the importance of blood safety. It's important to read this every time you attend, because advice does change.
We must give you sufficient information so that you can make an informed choice, on the benefits and risks of donating blood and samples for testing.
We will provide 500ml of fluid just before you donate. By drinking this over about 5 minutes, it will help with your wellbeing during and after donation.
Fewer people gave blood last year. We need you now more than ever to do something amazing - give blood and help save up to 3 lives in an hour.
Whether you’ve donated dozens of times or never before, we need you now more than ever to help the NHS and people waiting for vital treatment.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused blood donations in England to hit its lowest point in 25 years.
Now, as life returns to normal, we are urging others to come forward and help rebuild the blood service for the future.
Do something amazing
Social media is full of amazing content. The impossible made possible. People pulling off incredible tricks and feats. From football tricks to juggling acts and 720 back flips, it’s all amazing.
However, you don’t need to spend hours mastering a talent to do something amazing.
Every time you donate, you can save up to 3 lives. This Is Amazing.
It's quick and easy – we aim to have you in and out within an hour but the actual donation itself only takes around 10 minutes.
Click Link: #ThisIsAmazing
What is Thalassaemia
Thalassaemia forms part of the haemoglobinopathies, a group of genetic blood disorders affecting the production of haemoglobin, when the body makes less haemoglobin than normal.
Blood is a red fluid freely flowing in the body, it is essential for maintaining the health and life of the human body. Blood is a mixture of a liquid called plasma about 55% and solids 45% blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). Blood has various important functions such as, supplying oxygen to cells and tissues, providing essential nutrients to cells, such as glucose, removing waste materials, such as carbon dioxide, protecting the body from diseases and infections, regulating body temperature. Any abnormalities, disorders and diseases of the blood can damage the many functions that the blood performs. There are various blood disorders, such as blood clotting, blood cancers, Sickle Cell anaemia and Thalassaemia.
People with thalassaemia produce either no or too little haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in red blood cells. It carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Haemoglobin is made up of four subunits: two subunits of alpha-globin and two subunits of beta-globin. Alpha-globin is a component of both fetal haemoglobin, which is active only before birth and in the new-born period, and adult haemoglobin, which is active throughout the rest of life.
Thalassaemia is inherited from parents; it is not contagious, or a virus acquired from blood transfusions. It is passed on equally by men and women.
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