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The choir performed "The Battle" with featured artist "Lurine Cato MBE" at The NBCPA 20th Anniversary celebrations at The Tower Hotel London

The choir was privileged to perform "From Now On" for The NBCPA 20th Anniversary celebrations at The Tower Hotel London with lead vocals song by Tenor "Ronald"
The choir performed "Rise Up" with featured artist "Lurine Cato MBE" at The NBCPA 20th Anniversary celebrations at The Tower Hotel London

Calvin Campbell, a Tenor in the choir, giving his testimony at The NBCPA 20th Anniversary celebrations. Talking about his experience of living with Sickle Cell and the need for more Blood donors, especially from within the Black community
Marsha Howe, an Alto in the choir, giving her testimony at The NBCPA 20th Anniversary celebrations. Talking about her experience of living with Sickle Cell and the need for more Blood donors, especially from within the Black community

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