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B Positive Choir - Hallelujah Christmas Time
Hallelujah Christmas Time - B Positive Choir

The Video “Hallelujah Christmas Time

The visual narrative expresses the choir’s sentiments of the song and the season.
It was recorded at St. Michael’s Church in Battersea, London, by kind permission of The Vicar and congregation.
At the beginning of December the Choir prepared a Christmas lunch inviting friends and the community.
Filming this we thought would be a fitting way of sharing a video message of gifts, decorations, hugs & well wishes of family & friends - the warmest way of sharing the message of love that is Christ at Christmas.


The Christmas Dinner

Christmas video shoot - B Positive Choir
Christmas video shoot - B Positive Choir
B Positive Christmas music video
Christmas video shoot - B Positive Choir
Christmas video shoot - B Positive Choir

Photo's (c) by Bami Ogunyoye

The Choir setting up for our Christmas dinner with family and friends and invited guests including Beverley De-Gale and Orin Lewis of ACLT: and the filming for the video, of the Choirs new Christmas single "Hallelujah Christmas Time"

Christmas video shoot - B Positive Choir
Christmas video shoot - B Positive Choir


Christmas Video shoot - B Positive Choir
Tenors Rehearsing Hallelujah Christmas Time
Christmas video filming - B Positive Choir

Photo's (c) by Bami Ogunyoye

The Choir filming our new Christmas single "Hallelujah Christmas Time" Directed and Produced by Phil Ossai and David Ajayi of Room 113 : with the help of their incredible crew

Elegant Title

B Positive Choir performing Hallelujah Christmas Time
B Positive Hallelujah Christmas Time

B Positive Hallelujah Christmas Time

Play Video

B Positive Choir are proud to announce the release of our latest Christmas single "Hallelujah Christmas Time" and the video on YouTube.
A Carol that expresses the sentiments of the season in a traditional setting.

All proceeds go to the charities Aclt Charity and Sickle Cell Society UK Please download our single to help raise awareness of #SickleCell a genetic disorder and the need for regular blood and organ donations from all communities.
Available to purchase on all platforms

#BpositiveChoirOfficial #HallelujahChristmasTime

The Sickle Cell Society UK has also shown their incredible support for "Hallelujah Christmas Time" with a truly amazing page one their own website:

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